Information Systems Engineering


Solutions for
real-world problems

Have you ever wondered how scientists are able to create, operate and maintain large-scale information systems?

At JCSU, we’re looking for curious minds like yours to help us find solutions to real-world problems in information systems engineering domain that manages the blending of software, hardware, networks and security.

Information System Engineering major combines computer science, information engineering and system analysis.

As a major in our information systems engineering program, you’ll have technical foundations to apply IT solutions in a business context and use them to develop opportunities for growth. Therefore, you have the right mix for a successful career. Your technical training here will help you make a big impact on the world around us, as well as the quality of life for future generations.

What will I study as an information systems engineering major?

You’ll learn more than you thought possible as a student in our information systems engineering program. This major blends together the analysis, design, development and management of telecommunication systems — including data, information, network, hardware and software.

What you’ll really be learning is how to design and manage complex electronic and data structures. In our engineering labs, students receive technical training in the development of: 

  • Software Development
  • Computer Network
  • Data Analytics
  • Database Management
  • Analog electronics
  • Data Structures & Algorithm
  • Electronic and cyber security
  • Computer Network and tele Communication
  • Robotics

To keep our program up to date with the latest developments in technology, we developed minors in Cyber Security and Bioinformatics. 

Bioinformatics minor

Recent advances in biology has resulted in an explosion of genetic data, requiring creative computerized solutions. Bioinformatics is the interdisciplinary field, combining computer science and biology. The minor in bioinformatics includes courses in biology, programming, statistics and database processing. You will learn to develop and use computational tools to organize and analyze complex molecular data. The minor is offered for majors in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Biology and General Sciences.

Cyber Security minor

The minor in Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary studies program. Cybersecurity broadly covers the fields of information security, network security, and computer system security. This minor designed to help students from all backgrounds achieve an educational foundation of technological, structural, social, and legal aspects used to secure computer networks and software.
The undergraduate minor in cybersecurity is open to students of any major able to meet the necessary prerequisites.

Where will I study information systems engineering?

The Department provides a wide variety of state-of-the-art computing facilities for research and instructional use. Our on-campus research facilities include: 

Dorothy Cowser Yancy Hall exterior
MACMAS Laboratory

The Multidisciplinary Applied Computational Modeling and Simulation (MACMAS) lab is used for multidisciplinary computational research.

Located at Yancy Hall 114 

Research Center
Dorothy Cowser Yancy Hall exterior
Electronics and Cyber Security Research Center

Voice recognition, image enhancement, computer forensics, network security and risk assessment/management are some areas of research aided by the software and hardware equipment in this center.

Located at Yancy Hall 309

Robotics Lab
Dorothy Cowser Yancy Hall exterior
Robotics and Automatic Control Laboratory

This lab features industrial and educational robots, digital and analog automatic control equipment and a chemical process simulator.

Located at Yancy Hall 315

Data Analytics
Center for Data Analytics
Center for Data Analytics 

This lab used for data analysis research such as data mining and big data.

Located at NCS 131

New Science Center
Center for BioInformatics 

Lab with computers including software for exploration of molecular data and bioinformatics programming.

Located at NSC 130

Electronics Lab
Dorothy Cowser Yancy Hall exterior
Digital and Analog Electronics Laboratories

Two labs have signal generators, digital multimeters, oscilloscopes and training kits to examine electronic and electric circuits and digital and analog electronics design. Located at Yancy Hall 212 and Yancy 213

What will I learn outside the information systems engineering program?

JCSU is a private liberal arts university. What this means to you is that your education will broadly cover all areas of study. The diversity of your classes will help you look at “the big picture” in any career you choose.

  • Classes in science and communication arts will give you a definite advantage in the job market and workplace.
  • Taking several English and foreign language classes will help you interact with a global community that is getting smaller each day.
  • By taking math and history classes, you’ll have a better understanding of the world around you.
  • Health and physical education courses give you the knowledge to cope with everyday stress and lead a better, longer life.

Having a college education will give you the tools to succeed in life. Having a liberal arts education will give you the opportunity to take your success further.

Employment of computer and information system engineering occupations is projected to grow 12 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are expected to add about 488,500 new jobs, from about 3.9 million jobs to about 4.4 million jobs from 2014 to 2024, in part due to a greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, more everyday items becoming connected to the Internet in what is commonly referred to as the “Internet of things,” and the continued demand for mobile computing.

The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $79,390 in May 2014, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $35,540 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A degree in information system engineering opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities. According to the recommendation from Computing Curricula Association for Computing Machinery(ACM) and IEEE-Computer Society, there is a strong need to add the topics of Security as well as Parallel and Distributed Computing. As CS expands to include more cross-disciplinary work and new programs of the form “Computational Biology,” “Computational Engineering,” and “Computational X” are developed, it is important to embrace an outward-looking view that sees CS as a discipline actively seeking to work with and integrate into other disciplines. 

    At JCSU, we understand that experience is the best teacher.

    That’s why we offer our students countless opportunities for hands-on research with impressive project topics and big-name organizations. You’ll have the opportunity to spend your summer building professional websites, creating apps and games, analyzing data using data mining techniques, developing solutions for cybersecurity issues, investigating genomics data using bioinformatics tools, and conducting applied research— you’ll get paid for it too.

    Not only do we provide exciting high-tech research opportunities, our faculties are dedicated to developing a one-on-one relationship with you so you get the most out of your JCSU education

    We prepare you for success beyond the classroom.

      Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) Department Highlights
      Top 1%
      Ranked in the top 1% of all universities in the country as a leading producer of African-American undergrads majoring in computer and information systems by Diverse Issues in Higher Education Magazine.
      Three students are named as HBCU All-Stars by the White House Initiative.
      Work with Google
      Launched the “Google Applied CS” program in partnership with Google.
      Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) Department Highlights
      Top 1%
      Ranked in the top 1% of all universities in the country as a leading producer of African-American undergrads majoring in computer and information systems by Diverse Issues in Higher Education Magazine.
      Three students are named as HBCU All-Stars by the White House Initiative.
      Work with Google
      Launched the “Google Applied CS” program in partnership with Google.
      Computer Science and Engineering(CSE) Department Highlights
      Top 1%
      Ranked in the top 1% of all universities in the country as a leading producer of African-American undergrads majoring in computer and information systems by Diverse Issues in Higher Education Magazine.
      Three students are named as HBCU All-Stars by the White House Initiative.
      Work with Google
      Launched the “Google Applied CS” program in partnership with Google.

      Our program has also Established relationships and partnership to advance STEM talent pipeline for corporations including Bank of America, Duke Energy, Wells Fargo, Google, Microsoft, and etc.

      So what does that mean for you?

      It means that at JCSU, we give you the support system you need to excel in your courses and in your future career. We won’t throw you into your major classes and expect you to sink or swim on your own.

      All students in our program will have a dedicated advisor who will help them:

      • Plan their course of study
      • Choose the right classes
      • Help them get the support they need if they fall behind in class

      Exciting Research Opportunities with Cutting-edge Technologies

      Summer camps with DHS Center of Excellence

      20 students participated one-week on-campus summer camps supported by the DHS Center of Excellence in summer 2016. Students also received on-campus housing and stipends.

      Summer research with DHS Center of Excellence

      Nine Students worked faculty members to conduct a 4-week summer research projects funded by DHS Center of Excellence. Students also received on-campus housing and stipends in summer 2016.

      Awards in student research

      Four students won awards in national and regional undergraduate research conference. More than 20 students were accepted into graduate programs with full scholarships in the past five years.

      Build robots

      Student in our Department of Computer Science and Engineering have the opportunity to build and develop robotic systems used to meet the requirements of real-world situations.

      Hands-on experience

      Our students are also able to get the best hands-on experience in the STEM fields through research with government agencies, such as Department of Homeland Security, National Science Foundation, and etc. 

      Personalized attention gives you the tools to succeed.

      Computer Science and Engineering Department has a strong emphasis on faculty-students research collaboration. Participation in undergraduate research is very effective for improving student learning, especially those research projects which are collaborative, investigative, project-based, and inquiry-based.

       We have established programs to help recruit, retain and graduate minorities in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields funded by multiple government grants, including National Science Foundation(NSF) HBCU-UP, NSF OASIS, NSF Carolina Cyber Defense Scholarship, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Coastal Hazards Center of Excellence (2008-2015) and new Coastal Resilience Center of Excellence (2016-2020).

        Get involved in on-campus activities and organizations.

        We offer our majors several organizations for socializing with professors and fellow students. These extracurricular activities also provide a great support system for minority students majoring in STEM.

        Students in our department are involved in:

        • Women in Technology Club
        • The National Society of Black Engineers
        • STARS Leadership Corps

        Your path to a successful career begins the minute you step on campus.

        Careers and advanced degrees:

        JCSU students have found success at such organizations as:

        • Lockheed Martin
        • Bank of America
        • Wells Fargo
        • Duke Energy
        • Microsoft
        • U.S. Social Security Administration
        • Met Life Insurance
        • Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
        • JPMorgan Chase

        Advanced Degrees

        JCSU students have been accepted into programs at:

        • Auburn University
        • North Carolina State University
        • North Carolina A&T University
        • North Carolina Charlotte
        • Pennsylvania State University
        • Carnegie Mellon University
        • Shippensburg University
        • University of Cincinnati
        • Clemson University


        Students in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have opportunities for internships at:

        • Bank of America
        • Wells Fargo
        • Duke Energy
        • Microsoft
        • TIAA-CREF SPX
        • John Deere
        • General Electric
        • JPMorgan Chase
        View Title
        Department of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Staff
        Ahmed Faik headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Computer Programming

        Electric Engineering

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Electric Engineering


        B.Sc. in Physics/Sussex University

        D.Phil. in Physics/Sussex University

        Felesia Stukes headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Social Computing

        Broadening Participation in Computer Science

        Data Science

        Computer Science Education

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Sports Analytics

        Responsible Artificial Intelligence


        Ph.D. Computing & Information Systems University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        M.S. Information Technology University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        B.S. Computer Science North Carolina A&T State University

        Sabina Dahlstroem Otienoburu headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise


        Infectious Diseases

        Data Science

        Molecular Epidemiology

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Health Equity

        Spatiotemporal disease surveillance

        Precision medicine

        Drug resistance


        Ph.D. Molecular Epidemiology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

        M.Sc. Medical Science Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

        Syeda Fatema Mazumder headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Computer Science Education

        Human Computer Interaction

        Subject(s) of Interest

        CS Educational Research

        Usable Privacy & Security

        Broadening Participation in Computing


        Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        B.Sc. University of Dhaka

        Thanh-Thuy Nguyen


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Mathematics and Curriculum & Instruction

        Subject(s) of Interest


        Abstract Algebra



        Bachelor and Master of Science in General Mathematics at University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        Doctor Degree in Education at Gardner-Webb University


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Artificial Intelligences

        Soft Computing

        Robotics Calibrations

        Database Programming

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Ph.D./Florida Atlantic University
