Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Michelle Andrews ’78 |
President |
Avee Poston ’75 |
Vice President |
Beredette Dixon-Saunders ’76 |
Recording Secretary |
Thomasina Thompson ’75 |
Corresponding Secretary |
Wm. Aaron Dixon-Saunders |
Treasurer |
Craig Young |
Chaplin |
Meeting Location:
Adelphi Chapter meetings are currently taking place via Zoom.
Meeting Schedule:
Adelphi Chapter meets every second Saturday between the months of September and June.
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Andrew Lovett, Jr. |
President |
Sarah-Elaine Jones |
Vice President |
Cheryl Costen-Hibbler |
Recording Secretary |
Gracie Brunson |
Corresponding Secretary |
Joyce Williams |
Treasurer |
Walter McAllister |
Chaplain |
Meeting Location:
The Atlanta Chapter is currently meeting via Zoom .
(Meeting ID: 833 2890 9020 / Passcode: JCSU1867)
Meeting Schedule:
The Atlanta Chapter meets on the third Sunday of each even month (i.e. February, April, June, August, October, and December).
Follow the Atlanta Chapter’s Social Media Accounts:
Mailing Address:
JCSU Atlanta Alumni Chapter
P.O. Box 361284
Decatur, GA 30036
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Reginald Wilson |
President |
Venus Torbit |
Vice President |
Jarian Ewing |
Secretary |
Nathaniel Parks |
Treasurer |
Charles Minnis |
Chaplain |
Meeting Location:
LongView Bible Church
10989 Red Run Blvd.
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Meeting Schedule:
1st Saturday of every month
1 p.m. Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Except September which is 2nd Saturday due to the holiday.
Facebook: JCSUBaltimoreAlumniChapter
Email Address:
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Paul Stoney |
President |
Adrienne Chisolm-Cox |
Vice President |
Gwendolyn O. Whitsell |
Secretary |
Brenda Bennett |
Treasurer |
Michelle Sullivan |
Chaplain |
Meeting Location:
International Longshoremen’s Association Hall (ILA)
1442 Morrison Drive
Charleston, S.C. 29401
Meeting Schedule: Every third Thursday at 6 p.m.
Name |
Position |
Year |
Phone |
Email Address |
Dr. Craig A. Bell |
President |
1987 |
704.293.6819 |
Leonard Bodrick |
First Vice President |
1977 |
704.222.9180 |
Peggy Lide |
Second Vice President |
1979 |
704.777.0263 |
Yvette Crockett |
Treasurer |
704.517.9426 |
Douglas Jones |
Assistant Treasurer |
1988 |
704.578.8827 |
Fred L Tatum |
Sergeant at Arms |
1969 |
704.502.8313 |
Dammione Meyers |
Parliamentarian |
980.644.6811 |
Leondras Davis |
Member At Large |
1974 |
704.562.0402 |
Andrew Rogers III |
Member At Large |
1977 |
704.589.2115 |
Meeting Location:
Johnson C. Smith University
100 Beatties Ford Road
Humanities Building-Room 108
Charlotte, N.C. 28216
Meeting Schedule: Every second Wednesday from 6-8 p.m.
Name |
Email Address |
Virginia Peterkin, President |
James Melvin, Vice President |
Wilhelmina Kimpson, Secretary |
Cheryl Myrick, Treasurer |
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Dr. Donald Quarles |
President |
Ashley E Brown |
Vice President |
Jeanette Ashley |
Treasurer |
Mildred Coleman |
Secretary |
Marian Reddick |
Parliamentarian |
Marie Reddick |
Chaplain |
Meeting Location:
Fire Station 8
Highland Avenue
Augusta, Georgia, 30904
Meeting Schedule: The last Thursday of each month at 6 p.m.
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
LaVone Hicks |
President |
Veronica Murphy |
Vice President |
Dennis Settles |
Recording Secretary |
Cheryl Davis |
Treasurer |
Comatha Johnson |
Financial Secretary |
Patricia Ford |
Chaplain |
Meeting Schedule:
Chapters meeting held via Zoom on the 2nd Sunday at 3 p.m.
Name |
Email Address |
Martin H. Troupe, Sr., President |
Donna Travis, Vice President |
Martin H. Troupe Jr., Treasurer |
Miriam Choice, Secretary |
Name |
Email Address |
Andrew Lovett, Jr., President |
Sarah-Elaine Jones, Vice President |
Cheryl Costen-Hibbler, Secretary |
Joyce Williams, Treasurer |
Meeting Location:
The Metro Atlanta Chapter is currently meeting via Zoom .
(Meeting ID:881 3798 6011/ Password: Biddle1867)
Meeting Schedule:
The Metro Atlanta Chapter meets on the third Sunday of each even month (i.e. February, April, June, August, October, and December).
Follow Metro Atlanta Chapter’s Social Media Accounts:
Twitter: @JCSUAlumniATL
Facebook: JCSU Metro Atlanta Alumni Chapter
Instagram: @JCSUMetroATLAlumni
Mailing Address:
JCSU Metro Atlanta Alumni Association
P.O. Box 361284
Decatur, GA 30036
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Carolyn Whaley |
President |
Larry Eaton |
Vice President |
Angela Williams |
Treasurer |
Akira Carr |
Secretary |
Ivy Metz |
Chaplain |
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Trinnette Cooper |
President |
Lovierre Warren |
Vice President |
Nadine Ford |
Secretary |
Eulalia Winstead |
Treasurer |
Meeting Location:
St. Matthew A.M.E. Church
1629 Bennett St.
Raleigh, N.C. 27610
Meeting Schedule: Chapter meetings held 6:30 pm, every 2nd Thursday of the month either in person or via Zoom.
Name |
Email Address |
Elena Singleton, President |
Manuel McGriff, 1st Vice President |
Al Layton, 2nd Vice President |
Ralph J. Knotts, Treasurer |
Denise Henderson, Hospitality |
Jeannie Bryant, Chaplin |
Dr. Gail Roberts, Parliamentarian |
Meeting Location:
Grace Baptist Church of Germantown
25 W Johnson St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Currently meeting on Zoom.
Meeting Schedule:
The Philadelphia Chapter meets every third Saturday from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the months of Jan-June and Sept-December.
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Roddy P. Starr, MBA |
President |
Larry Holmes |
Vice President |
Cynthia Peters, MSW |
Treasurer |
Name |
Email Address |
Darryl Kemp, President |
Ophila Howard, Vice President |
Phyllis Pope, Secretary |
Keith Smith, Treasurer |
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Franklin D. Colclough |
President |
Elijah Washington |
Vice President |
Ellaree Hampton |
Secretary |
Carnell Hampton |
Treasurer |
Sylvia Ivey |
Corresponding Secretary |
Meeting Location:
Goodwill Presbyterian Church
295 N. Brick Church Road
Mayesville, S.C.
Meeting Schedule: Every third Sunday at 4 p.m.
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Dr. Stephanie McLeod |
President |
Mike Briscoe |
Vice President |
Waltina Pitts |
Recording Secretary |
Jennifer Ford |
Assistant Recording Secretary |
Nina Newton |
Interim Corresponding Secretary |
Dr. Stephanie White |
Assistant Corresponding Secretary |
Ed Jordan |
Treasurer |
Iantha Crawford |
Financial Secretary |
Cassandra Jordan |
Chaplain |
Meeting Location: Virtual Zoom Link:
Mailing Address:
JCSU DC Alumni Chapter
PO Box 90113
Washington, DC 20090
Name |
Position |
Email Address |
Ken E. Griffin |
President |
Sherri Paysour |
Treasurer |
Demetrice Griffin |
Vice President |
Lettie Holland |
Secretary |
Meeting Location:
Southside Library
6005 Buchannan St
Winston Salem, N.C.
Meeting Schedule: Chapter meetings are held via Zoom and in conjunction with the Charlotte Alumni Chapter.