
Learn the Theory of the Infinite

In the 17th century, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Liebnitz — two giants of the mathematic world — both developed the first real theory of the infinite. They fought over who was first for the rest of their lives, but it created what we call calculus. 

Calculus lies at the heart of that idea, and learning how it can be applied to everyday situations will change your world.

What will I study as a math major?

At JCSU, we won’t just teach you theories and equations. Our program emphasizes problem-based learning.

So what does that mean for you?

It means you’ll learn how to apply what you learn in calculus and analytic geometry to situations you encounter every day. Math can be found in everything we do. Art, music, sports, even fashion all rely on the use of math.

If you have a head for numbers, or just a passion for math, our program will help you strengthen your ability to use logic and creativity to answer some pretty interesting questions.


    Smart Classroom
    Smart Classroom on JCSU's Campus
    Where will I study math?

    Math is best learned when you can see how to apply it. At JCSU, you’ll be taught in our smart classrooms, which feature:

    • Wireless internet access
    • The latest audio-visual equipment
    • Plasma TVs

    As a math major, you’ll also have access to the latest software on supercomputers in our new MACMAS lab.

    What will I learn outside the math program?

    JCSU is a private liberal arts university. What this means to you is that your education will broadly cover all areas of study. The diversity of your classes will help you look at “the big picture” in any career you choose.

    • Classes in computer science and communication arts will give you a definite advantage in the job market and workplace.
    • Taking several English and foreign language classes will help you interact with a global community that is getting smaller each day.
    • By taking history and science classes, you’ll have a better understanding of the world around you.
    • Health and physical education courses give you the knowledge to cope with everyday stress and lead a better, longer life.

    Having a college education will give you the tools to succeed in life. Having a liberal arts education will give you the opportunity to take your success further.

      If you're driving and the car in front of you suddenly stops, how far away will you have to brake to keep from hitting the other car? How much would texting while driving increase your risk?

      As a math major at JCSU, you’ll learn how to figure out the answer to this and other real-world questions in classes that prepare you for a career in a variety of fields.

      Where else can you learn how math is used in art and fashion? Or how it’s applied to more than just counting measures in music?

      We prepare you for success beyond the classroom.

      Don’t be fooled into thinking that math is only about crunching numbers and solving equations. Our classes emphasize problem-based learning to let you think creatively to answer questions that come up in everyday life.

      To further help you realize your career options, our department frequently brings in experts from different industries who use applied mathematics daily. These professionals come from industries like:

      • Interior design
      • Banking
      • Architecture
      • Economics and finance

      The blend of creativity and logical thinking is a winning combination in the workplace for math majors. According to a Wall Street Journal report, math grads see the highest increase in salary from their first job to when they’ve reached the midpoint of their career.

      Students with a strong background in math are in high demand, and there’s no shortage of jobs you can pursue after graduation.

      Research opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.

      Not only have our math majors participated in undergraduate research, they’ve presented their findings at professional conferences.

      • One student presented her research topic, “Chord Recognition through Wavelet Analysis,” at the Virginia-North Carolina Alliance Fourth Annual Symposium.
      • “The Planning Distribution of Emergency Supplies” was presented by another JCSU student at the National Association of Mathematicians Undergraduate MATHFest.

      Personalized attention gives you the tools to succeed.

      JCSU has obtained a significant amount of funding from the National Science Foundation to help recruit, retain and graduate minorities in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.

      Through our grant-funded programs — HBCU-UP and OASIS — we have graduated more African-American students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) than the national average. These programs are available to all STEM majors, free of charge.

        HBCU-UP and OASIS


        HBCU-UP promotes student achievement. With HBCU-Up, you’ll have access to:

        • Tutoring
        • Student research opportunities
        • Access to visiting scientists
        • Financial assistance for travel to professional meetings and conferences


        Through our One-stop Academic Student Integrated System (OASIS), we work with you throughout your entire education to make sure you succeed in the classroom and are prepared for the workforce after graduation.

        With the help of our “academic success coaches,” you’ll stay on track to graduate through free:

        • Tutoring with peer mentors
        • Help with time management
        • Course scheduling
        • Assistance to improve your study habits

        Get involved in on-campus activities and organizations.

        The Pi Mu Epsilon honor society allows our students to interact with their classmates and become heavily involved with campus activities like Homecoming — not just those related to math.

        Not only will you have the chance to get involved on campus, you’ll also be able to get to know your math professors better outside of the classroom.

        Your path to a successful career begins the minute you step on campus.


        According to The American Mathematical Society, mathematicians can be found in almost any industry, including:

        • Arts, entertainment and recreation
        • Finance and insurance
        • Government
        • Health care and social assistance
        • Information technology
        • Legal services
        • Management
        • Science and technology
        View Title
        Department of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Staff
        Ahmed Faik headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Computer Programming

        Electric Engineering

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Electric Engineering


        B.Sc. in Physics/Sussex University

        D.Phil. in Physics/Sussex University

        Felesia Stukes headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Social Computing

        Broadening Participation in Computer Science

        Data Science

        Computer Science Education

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Sports Analytics

        Responsible Artificial Intelligence


        Ph.D. Computing & Information Systems University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        M.S. Information Technology University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        B.S. Computer Science North Carolina A&T State University

        Sabina Dahlstroem Otienoburu headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise


        Infectious Diseases

        Data Science

        Molecular Epidemiology

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Health Equity

        Spatiotemporal disease surveillance

        Precision medicine

        Drug resistance


        Ph.D. Molecular Epidemiology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

        M.Sc. Medical Science Karolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden

        Syeda Fatema Mazumder headshot


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Computer Science Education

        Human Computer Interaction

        Subject(s) of Interest

        CS Educational Research

        Usable Privacy & Security

        Broadening Participation in Computing


        Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        B.Sc. University of Dhaka

        Thanh-Thuy Nguyen


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Mathematics and Curriculum & Instruction

        Subject(s) of Interest


        Abstract Algebra



        Bachelor and Master of Science in General Mathematics at University of North Carolina at Charlotte

        Doctor Degree in Education at Gardner-Webb University


        Area(s) of Expertise

        Artificial Intelligences

        Soft Computing

        Robotics Calibrations

        Database Programming

        Subject(s) of Interest

        Ph.D./Florida Atlantic University
