Sanctions and Stipulations
When students are found in violation of University regulations, sanctions will be imposed. The purpose of sanctioning is to educate a student as to why their behavior is inappropriate. Sanctions for misconduct will be determined on a case-to-case basis, utilizing criteria such as the nature of the offense; the precedent established at the University for similar offenses, and the previous disciplinary history of the student, as well as the student's attitude and behavior throughout the resolution process.
Stipulations are designed to assist students in identifying and observing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable behavior. The following stipulations singly and/or in combination, may be imposed on a student found responsible for violations of the Student Code of Conduct based on the violation and severity of the incident
- University Warning: A disciplinary warning or reprimand is an official statement of censure warning the student of unacceptable conduct in an incident considered to be one of minor consequences.
- University Probation: Students placed on probation are expected to demonstrate a positive change in their behavior. During the sanction period, the student shall be denied participation in intramural, intercollegiate, and club sports. Such students may not represent the University in any public function or performance, hold office in a student organization, or be eligible to join a fraternity, sorority or social fellowship during their probationary status. In addition, the sanction of probation will become a matter of record in the Office of Student Conduct. Students who have been placed on disciplinary probation twice in the same academic year may receive more severe sanctions, such as University suspension.
- University Suspension: Suspension means that a specific date has been recommended for the re-admission of the suspended student. This sanction is generally only assessed in cases of extremely serious misconduct where the University desires that evidence of rehabilitation be presented by the student before he or she is re-admitted to the University.
- Expulsion: Expulsion is the most severe sanction that can be imposed upon a student for violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Expulsion is permanent dismissal from the University, and the student’s relationship with the University is permanently severed. The student is not only subject to the conditions and restrictions cited under suspension, but is also not eligible to apply for re-admission to the University
Community Service: Students may be required to complete an assigned number of community services hours by a specific deadline.
Research Assignments: The student may be required to complete a research assignment on a topic related to the offense committed. The research assignment must be completed by the deadline specified and be thorough, comprehensive, typewritten, and scholarly.
Participation in Special Workshops: Students may be required to help develop, coordinate and evaluate special workshops related to the offense they have committed. Students may also be required to participate in special workshops to enhance their own knowledge and understanding of a particular topic related to the offense committed. In such instances, students must be prompt and attentive, plus present a well-written, typed summary of the activity to the Conduct Hearing officer or body within 24 hours of the event.
Restitution: Restitution is reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of University or personal property. It may be in the form of money, service, or other compensation.
Restriction of Privileges: A student who receives this sanction shall be notified in writing as to the privileges he or she has restricted. This written notification shall indicate the time period for which the student has lost these privileges or must abstain from making use of them.
Conduct Fines: Fines may be assessed to the student found responsible of committing an infraction. The amount of the fine varies according to the severity of the offense. The student will be informed in writing of the date when the fine must be paid.
Housing Relocation: If this sanction is assessed, the student will be required to move to another room or residence hall because of his or her lack of willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of his or her present residence hall community.
Residence Life and Housing Suspension: Suspension from a residence hall includes a period of observation and review.
Loss of Housing: A student may lose his or her privilege of residing in University housing. If this occurs, a letter may be sent to his or her parents or guardians notifying them of the sanction.
Temporary Suspension: During this period of deferred suspension from the University, if the student engages in additional conduct that the Dean of Students determines is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the University reserves the right to issue immediate sanctions, including but not limited to permanent suspension or expulsion, without any further disciplinary hearing.
If a student is temporarily suspended from the University due to medical reasons, the Dean of Students in consultation with appropriate campus resources will make a determination regarding the length of separation from the University and describe the conditions under which the student may seek to return.
Additional Sanctions: Additional sanctions not specifically listed above may be imposed for any violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Such sanctions, where appropriate, may include but are not limited to: required counseling or medical evaluations, behavioral contracts, letter of apology/acknowledgement, Notice of Trespass, or No Contact Orders.